Gas-Related Pain
Everyone gets gas from time to time. It can be caused by swallowing too much air, overeating or being unable to digest certain foods.1 Babies can get gas for the same reasons, but they’re not able to expel it as well or tell us about any discomfort they might feel. Newborns have no experience with gas, so if they swallow air during a feeding or while crying, that air bubble may cause a tummy ache.2 Even though gas is an incredibly normal part of life (for everyone!), it can still be distressing for parents to see their baby looking uncomfortable. Parents can take comfort in knowing that gas pains tend to improve drastically by the third month of age.3
There are lots of ways that parents can help a gassy baby, and most of them have to do with making adjustments to the feeding process.
- Babies who feed when they’re overly hungry may swallow more air as they drink, leading to more gas.2
- Similarly, if you’re bottle-feeding expressed breastmilk or supplementing with formula, consider switching to a bottle (or nipple) designed to reduce swallowed air.3
- Making sure to burp your baby during and after feedings, and making sure to keep them in a more upright position can help them get rid of any bubbles in their tummies and make them feel more comfortable.3 While burping can help with some tummy discomfort, one study showed that burping did not reduce colic.4
- Another option is movement. Increase the amount of tummy time for your baby; the pressure of being on their stomach may help force out gas bubbles. Belly rubs can also be comforting. Lay them on their backs and move their legs in a bicycling motion.5
Parents and caregivers might also consider switching formulas to one, like Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM Gentlease® it’s been designed to help reduce fussiness, crying and gas. It can help calm baby's tummy in just 24 hours*.
Colicky babies are healthy babies that cry excessively – for more than three hours a day, more than 3 times per week and for more than 3 weeks.3 During this time, parents and caregivers may feel helpless, as though none of their efforts to comfort their baby are working. Colic affects nearly one fifth of newborns, starts between two and four weeks of age, and thankfully declines by the third or fourth month.6 Apart from inconsolable crying, features of colic may include:7
- Body tension, such as arching their back
- Crying for no apparent reasons, and crying that may seem more like screaming
- Predictable timing, episodes often occur in the evening
These symptoms may give parents the idea that their infant has a tummy ache, so keep an eye on your little one’s symptoms and mannerisms. Sometimes crying may resolve after the infant passes gas or has a bowel movement. Don’t hesitate to contact your little one’s caregiver if you feel like something isn’t right. You may also get your baby and family's rest back with Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®, since it may start to reduce colic† in as early as 24 hours.‡
Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy
Cow’s milk protein allergy, or CMPA, is different from lactose intolerance, though both are upsetting to your infant’s tummy.3 In CMPA, your baby’s body views the protein in cow’s milk as a harmful invader and triggers an allergic reaction.3 Symptoms of CMPA can include:3
- Wheezing or difficulty breathing
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Stomach upset
- Swelling or hives
- Itchy, watery or swollen eyes
If you suspect an allergic reaction to milk or formula, talk to your child’s doctor about how best to care for a baby with CMPA. This may include changing your own diet, if you’re breastfeeding, or if you are formula feeding or supplementing with formula, switching to a hypoallergenic formula like Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®.
Nearly all babies will have difficulty passing stools at some point in their lives. Constipation can be triggered by:3
- Dehydration
- Changes in diet (i.e., switching to solid foods)
- Changes in routine
If you’re trying to tell if your baby is constipated, there are a few signs to look for:7
- Infrequent bowel movements
- Pain or discomfort with bowel movements
- Excess straining, grunting and getting red in the face when trying to pass a stool
- Hard, dry stools
It’s important to remember that while most infants will have a bowel movement every day, some will only do so every other day.7 So long as your child does not appear to be struggling to pass a stool and their stools are soft, they are not considered constipated.7 Talk to your child’s doctor about any suspected digestive issues.
Most babies spit up. Spitting up is also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER). GER is a normal process that occurs in healthy infants. In fact, approximately 50% of infants younger than 3 months of age have at least one episode of spitting up per day.
When babies have reflux, the contents of the stomach move back into the esophagus and sometimes all the way up into the mouth.2 This happens because the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus is not fully formed and isn’t strong enough to stay closed and prevent the movement of stomach acid and undigested food. As long as your baby is happy and healthy with good weight gain, this is considered normal.2
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a process where stomach contents go up into the esophagus and cause complications such as esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) or poor weight gain. If you think your baby has GERD, please see your health care provider.
If your baby is spitting up frequently, you can try:
- Keeping your baby upright after feeds for 20-30 minutes
- Avoid overfeeding. Smaller, more frequent feeds can help reduce reflux
- If you’re breastfeeding, consider a two week trial of a milk- and soy-free diet, as some babies have problems digesting cow’s milk and soy products from a mother’s diet. For formula-fed babies, they can try a hypoallergenic formula that does not contain intact cow’s milk or soy proteins, such as Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®. Physicians reported improvement in 74% of infants with reflux§ from suspected cow's milk protein allergy.¶ Talk to your doctor if you suspect your baby has cow's milk protein allergy and if symptoms persist, and don’t be afraid to share your concerns and ask questions.