The lateral fissures begin forming on the cerebral cortex of his brain. He is growing eyebrows and hair. His visual cortex develops, the preliminary stage of visual development. He now measures more than 5 inches long and weighs 4 ounces.

Brain Development

Between weeks 15 to 18, the lateral fissure, a distinctive groove in the cerebral cortex, develops. It is the part of the brain that will become responsible for complex functions such as memory, language and consciousness. In addition, his visual cortex starts to develop. In order for your baby to reach all of his milestones, he must receive the proper nourishment that includes adequate amounts of DHA and ARA (sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats) that support normal brain and eye development.

Sensory Development

Your baby's sense of touch continues to develop until approximately week 22. He is becoming increasingly familiar with his own body and environment by brushing up against the uterine wall. At the same time, your baby's visual cortex is forming some of the 100 million neurons that signal the start of visual development. The sense of sight is complex and develops rapidly over time. He may become sensitive to light around week 16 of your pregnancy, but his fuzzy vision won't become sharp and clear until after birth. It is vital to nourish your baby's normal healthy brain and eye development with a balanced diet that includes DHA, the Omega-3 fat, a physiologically essential nutrient for healthy brain and eye development.
Learn more about DHA.

Lanugo, Baby Hair

This month and next, your baby's hair will begin to grow. It will appear in the usual places like eyebrows and head, as well as on his body and face. This soft, downy hair is called lanugo and it disappears either before or shortly after birth.

The Ultrasound

You may enjoy a visual of your baby this month, in which you will see many exciting developments such as the four beating chambers of his heart, limbs, fingers and toes. You will also see his central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. Furthermore, the ultrasound may also reveal your baby's gender

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