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* DHA supports normal physical brain development.
† HuM06™ blend of Polydextrose, GOS, 2’-FL, Vit C & E and Selenium.
‡ From whey protein concentrate.
§ IQVIA report, 2023 data.
# NIELSEN, 2023 data.
¶ Premium members get 10% off, equivalent to up to $60 savings. $60 is equal to 10% off a maximum order value of $600. The 10% off discount code is for one-time use.
// Premium Guarantee allows you to get a full $49.99 refund by your baby’s 2nd month, should you decide to breastfeed. Formula must be unused. Simply call customer service for additional details.
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ is available through Health Canada’s Interim Policy on the importation and sale of infant formulas.