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at around 12 months your toddler begins developing lifelong eating preferences so this is the goal than time to introduce new foods and encourage healthy eating make mealtime fun eating is a social experience and it's been shown that children who dined together with the family tend to grow up with healthier habits also set an example if your child sees you enjoying healthy greens they'll be more likely to follow suit snacks in between meals are really important for growth and development here are a few quick easy snack ideas that you'll probably want to nibble on to try dice fruit with vanilla yogurt as a dip it's a sweet treat that's packed with calcium and essential vitamins now keep veggies cut up small mini carrots cut into narrow strips go great with hummus or cottage cheese dip and for protein nothing's easier to whip up than a hard-boiled egg
Toddler Tips: Healthy Snack Ideas for Toddlers | Enfamil Canada
When your toddler begins developing eating preferences, it is the golden time to introduce new foods and encourage healthy eating. Learn about the importance of snacks between meals and some healthy snack ideas for your toddler.
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