Article Summary:

  • Back pain is a common pregnancy symptom.
  • You might feel back pain when you’re pregnant due to ligament changes in your body. Your growing belly may also put a strain on your back.
  • You can find relief from back pain through lifestyle changes and stretches.

What Causes Back Pain During Pregnancy?

Is your back feeling tired or achy during your pregnancy? There are a few reasons why you might be experiencing back pain. One reason may be due to ligament changes. When you’re expecting, your body’s ligaments become softer and stretch to prepare your body for labour.3 This can strain your lower back and pelvis joints, causing back pain.3 Aside from ligament changes, your growing belly can put more strain on your back and affect your posture.1

How to Ease Back Pain During Pregnancy

Easing your back pain is possible with small lifestyle changes. Use these tips to help you ease back pain during pregnancy:

  • Avoid heavy lifting or reaching. If you need to lift something light, rise from a squat and keep your back and waist straight.1 Don’t reach for items that are high up or far away, for example, a vase on top of a shelf or a dish on the other end of your table.1
  • Be mindful of your posture. Something as small as correcting your posture can help reduce back pain. Try standing with your ears, shoulders and hips in a straight line.1 Standing with an arched back and your stomach pushed forward can potentially cause more back pain.1
  • Try not to stand or sit for too long. If you have to sit for long periods, try to take a break each hour.1 If you’re sitting for long periods during the day, you may want to invest in a chair with better back support or sit with a small pillow or a rolled-up towel resting at your lower back.1,4
  • Wear supportive shoes. Shoes with a low heel can help.1 Avoid flat or high-heeled shoes, which can exacerbate back pain.1
  • Get a pregnancy support belt. You can wear a pregnancy support belt under your abdomen to help take the strain off of your back.1
  • Take the time for self-care. Taking a warm (not hot), relaxing bath or getting a massage can help relieve muscle tension in your back.1 Hot baths where there is a risk of overheating are not recommended during pregnancy.5 Applying a hot or cold compress to your back can also help relieve back pain.1
  • Sleep on a firmer mattress. Instead of running to the store and buying an entirely new mattress, here’s an easy solution: plywood. Some women put plywood under their mattress to make it firmer.1 Changing how you sleep helps, too.1 Lie on your left side and put a pillow between your knees to help reduce back pain.1
  • Talk to your healthcare provider about pain medicine. Your healthcare provider may recommend acetaminophen for your back pain.6It’s important to remember that you should avoid over-the-counter pain medicines like ibuprofen or naproxen when you’re pregnant.6 Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any new medications.6
  • Ask your healthcare provider about exercise. Regular exercise like swimming, walking or stretching can help alleviate back pain.6 Certain stretches can help strengthen and relax your muscles.6 It is typically safe to exercise during pregnancy, but it’s important to check in with your doctor before starting as there are some conditions during pregnancy when exercise is not recommended.6

Stretches to Help Relieve Back Pain

Stretching can help you strengthen and stretch your back muscles.1 Stretches like back presses, forward bends and hip hinge can help.7 You can try these stretches at home or whenever you need quick back pain relief. Here’s a quick breakdown of each of these stretches:

Back Press

All you need for this stretch is a wall to lean on. Follow these steps to relieve back pain with a back press.7

  1. Stand 25 to 30 centimetres (10 to 12 inches) away from a wall, with your back facing the wall.
  2. Lean into the wall until your back is flat against it. Press your lower back into the wall.
  3. Slide down the wall slowly until your knees are slightly bent, keeping your lower back pressed against the wall.
  4. Hold this position for at least 6 seconds, then slide back up the wall.
  5. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

At first, you might only be able to hold this position for a few seconds.7 Over time, you may be able to hold a back press for as long as 1 minute.7

Forward Bend

The forward bend is an easy seated stretch. Just grab a chair and you’re ready to go. Here’s how to do it:7

  1. Sit in a chair with your arms relaxed.
  2. Slowly bend forward and allow your arms to hang down. Lean forward until you start to feel discomfort or belly pressure.
  3. Hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds, then slowly sit up in your chair.
  4. Repeat this stretch 2 to 4 times or as much as you need.

Hip Hinge

For this stretch, you don’t need a chair or a wall, just your own body. Here’s how to do it:7

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and put your hands on your hips. Keep your knees slightly bent.
  2. Keep your upper back straight and slowly bend forward.
  3. Return to the starting position using your back and buttock muscles to help you.
  4. Repeat this stretch 8 to 12 times.

Fortunately, most of the time back pain during pregnancy is manageable through lifestyle changes and stretching. If your back pain doesn’t go away (or gets worse), talk to your healthcare provider.7 Learn more about common pregnancy symptoms or see what else you can expect during your pregnancy.
