New Moms: Making Time for Yourself - Episode 13
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hi and welcome back to amazing milestones if it's your first time watching my name is Tara I'm your host and I'm also the mother of a five month old little girl now if you're in the same boat as me you too may be feeling overwhelmed with juggling your family's needs your baby's needs and your own needs yes us moms have needs too we just tend to forget about them with everything else we have to handle I can't tell you how many times someone has told me take time for yourself well it's easier said than done luckily I do have the support of a really wonderful family and they remind me to take a breather every once in a while and joining me today is my sister Kim and we're gonna talk about some tricks that we have found to help keep a certain balance as a new mom I can welcome to the show hi so the first thing I want to ask you is what tips can you give me and everyone watching in regards to preserving a certain insanity as a new mom well I think new moms should take the time that they need to rest and not be afraid to ask for help and when they're over tired or stressed out mothers today should be patient with themselves and not put so much pressure on themselves to want to do everything perfectly okay very good my sister is very direct and honest which I'd appreciate um what about babysitter's when in your opinion should I introduce a babysitter into my baby's life and how do I do that I don't think there has to be any age okay when you need a break whether it's at one month or later you find someone preferably of the family but if not someone you know or if you don't know have them come over to the house and spend some time with that person so that you can see how they interact with the baby right so have the baby there the sitter there and just watch them and get them used to the baby while you're there that's good and to be honest it's a great idea but I feel stressed thinking about leaving my baby alone especially with a stranger what do I do to get over those feelings of guilt stress that kind come up well guilt is not gonna help you in any way I think the baby needs you to be calm and rested and happy and if you need a break to be better with her then that's what you should do but it's hard to be calm and rested especially when you're up all night so speaking about being up all night how do we get dad's more involved in regards to like sharing the tasks for our newborn well I think men in general need to be told what to do because they the baby and the household chores cuz they're just not as natural at it as it had it as women are and maybe just make them little lists and throw me shy to ask them to do it right and then they go and ever over them and say oh no don't do it like that you should do it like this yeah so leave the room if you can't keep your comments okay last thing I want to talk about I know you're not gonna like this question um I feel bad about the whole post pregnancy body thing you know it's hard to start exercising again it's hard to lose the way what do you think I think that women should close magazines and not look at TV so much and have false expectations for themselves everyone's different then they should be patient it takes you nine months yeah I put it on it takes nine months to take it off right more or less okay thanks Kim I appreciate your direct answers so everyone has their own way to recharge the batteries the important thing is to do it trust me a little time away from your baby will do you and him a world of good now I'd like to thank my sister Kim for joining us today and sharing her wisdom with regards to how new moms can preserve their sanity and that's all for today see you next time on amazing milestones until then take care

New Moms: Making Time for Yourself - Episode 13

Today, we talk about juggling the needs of your baby, your family, and yes, yourself! My sister, Kim, is here to discuss some little tricks that we’ve found to help make sure we have precious “adult†time every once in a while.
